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Principles of Excellence

President Obama signed Executive Order 13607: Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses and Other Family Members on April 27, 2012. These principles were developed to strengthen oversight, enforcement, and accountability of education programs, and to ensure our service members, Veterans, and their families have the information they need to make informed decisions concerning their well-earned educational benefits.

Complaint System

The Department of Veterans Affairs, Defense, Education, and Justice, along with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission, launched a new online complaint system for veterans. Designed to identify institutions of higher education engaged in deceptive, misleading practices, the centralized system collects servicemembers’, veterans’, and dependents’ reports of negative experiences with educational institutions. It then gives the federal government the information needed to identify and address unfair practices and ensure high quality academic and student support services. Students can submit a complaint if they believe their school is failing to follow the Principles of Excellence through the centralized online reporting system accessed via the Department of Defense and GI Bill® website. When feedback is received, agencies will contact the school on behalf of the student and work towards a resolution.

VA GI Bill® Feedback System

Overpayment Debts

Students should pay legitimate overpayment debts in full within 30 days after the VA sends notification of the debt to the student. If the debt is not repaid promptly, VA may take the following actions:

  • add interest charges and collection fees to the debt
  • withhold future benefits and apply them to the debt
  • turn the debt over to a private collection agency
  • file suit in federal court to collect the debt
  • withhold approval of the veteran’s VA home loan guarantee
  • collect the debt from the student’s federal income tax refund

Click here to visit the Debt Management Center website for more information.

To view a list of payment options click here.

Military Mobilization Policy

Students called to active duty because of military mobilization will have their academic progress disrupted. Orders need to be sent to the Office of Registration and Records for the student’s academic file. King University will address the issues related to military mobilization as described below.

• Academic The student withdrawing because of military mobilization shall be withdrawn without penalty (grade of W) and the reason for withdrawal shall be documented in the student’s academic record. Individuals withdrawing close to the end of the term, at the discretion of the Provost and the course instructor, may be permitted to complete the course.

• Financial The student shall incur no personal out of pocket financial liability to King University as a result of being called to active military duty. When the withdrawal date is determined, the withdrawal policies must be applied and the calculation performed. All balances still owed by the student will be cancelled, and all money paid by the student out of pocket will be refunded.

• Readmission When the military obligation has been satisfied, the student may be re-enrolled at King University by completing the readmission process. His/her academic standing will be the same as it was at the beginning of the term during which the student left for military duty.

There will be no negative satisfactory progress repercussions as a result of withdrawal. All academic scholarships controlled by the University at the time of withdrawal will be reinstated if the student is re-enrolled. The U.S. Department of Education has established the following guidelines applying to military personnel who are activated or reassigned for a period of time.

The U.S. Secretary of Education treats borrowers who are ordered to active duty and who have Direct Loans or other loans held by the Department of Education in accordance with this guidance. The following information is taken from the September 2001 letter from the Department of Education Deputy Secretary William D. Hensen (GEN-01-13).

Note:See the Military Mobilization Policy in the university’s academic catalog for further information.

GI Bill® Comparison Tool

The VA is making it easier to research colleges and employers approved the GI Bill®. Answer just a few questions about yourself and the school/employer you are considering. You’ll receive an estimate of your GI Bill® benefits and some information about the facility’s value and affordability.

GI Bill® Comparison Tool

Military Servicemen and Women Series

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at