Lifelong Learners Program at King
Spring 2025 Classes
CRJU 2800 Serial and Mass Murders—Colette Wilcox
MWF 1:40-2:40pm
This course explores current research and case studies of serial killers and mass murders. Topics of discussion will include profiling, behavioral case studies, typologies, the history of these phenomena, and our culture’s fascination with this behavior.
ENGL 3590 Jane Austen: Life, Literature, and Legacy—Karen Shaw
TR 1:10-2:40pm
This course will explore the works of Jane Austen, focusing on their historical, cultural, and social contexts, their enduring popularity, and the continuing dialogue they create through adaptation and re-visioning in film and print.
HIST 3762 Race, Politics, and the Rights Revolution in Modern America—Kyle Osborn
MWF 11:20am-12:20pm
This class focuses on the Civil Rights movement starting with its origins in World War II. The class will analyze how the Civil Rights movement influenced the larger “rights revolution” of the 1960s, the political process in which civil rights legislation was passed, and both the resistance and backlash the movement encountered. The course will also place civil rights and race relations within the larger historical context of modern America, including the consensus culture of the 1950s, the Cold War, Vietnam, the rise of Liberalism, and the rise of the “New” Right.
MATH 1500 Cryptology: The Science of Secret Writing—Thomas Barr
MWF 12:30-1:30pm
A study of the classic methods of encryption and decryption, focusing on several historical methods of encryption and simple techniques involving transposition ciphers, modular arithmetic, and matrices.
PHIL 3440 Asian Philosophy—Craig Streetman
TR 9:40-11:10am
Survey of principal writings within the Asian philosophical tradition, from the Upanishads to the Buddhist scriptures, and examination of their metaphysical, epistemological, psychological, and ethical standpoints
PHYS 2050 Survey of Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies—Thomas Rutherford
T 9:40-11:10am
A survey course on the nature of the stars, the Milky Way and other galaxies, and the universe.
PSYC 3000 Social Psychology—Kevin DeFord
MWF 1:40-2:40pm
An analysis of the ways in which the social environment influences thought, affect, and behavior. Topics covered include how we perceive our social world and the causes of events, stereotyping and prejudice, attitude formation and change, group processes, close relationships, self- concept, and self-esteem. Emphasis is on the use of both theory and research to understand the social influences on why we think, feel, and behave the way we do.
RELG 2720 Christian Ethics—Abigail Cutter
MWF 10:10-11:10am
This course introduces themes and methods in Christian moral reflection. It engages the Biblical text, the Church’s tradition of ethical reasoning, and philosophical schools of thought, and applies these tools to the consideration of contemporary ethical questions.
THTR 2000 Introduction to Theatre–Heather Eisenhart
MWF 10:10-11:10am
This class explores the basic components of theatre, including acting, directing, playwriting, producing, theatre history, theatre design, and technology, introducing students to all aspects of theatre through active participation, including group projects and creative thinking.
For information on the Lifelong Learning at King program, contact Glenn Sanders, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, at 423.652.4842 or [email protected].
Submit completed application to [email protected].
Note: Books for the classes can be purchased at books.king.edu or most online book retailers.