The College of Arts and Sciences in King University prepares students in our Christian academic community to excel as thoughtful, resourceful, and responsible citizens with a passion for serving God, the Church, and the world.
What can come from serious study of the arts and sciences, especially in Christ? At least ten things:
- Strong “basics” for future work (reading, writing, numeracy)
- Good understanding of how things are (clear thought about interconnections)
- Deep wisdom (complex truths and meanings, effective responses)
- Persuasive eloquence, both spoken and written (to bring about good)
- Reasoned virtue (good habits that build communities of service)
- Effective service (as responsibility toward others and God)
- Loving community (selfless support of others)
- Deep appreciation of difference (as part of God’s creation)
- Expansive wonder at beauty (as a way to know what is good)
- Meaningful vocation (a sense of how to live and what to do)
The booklet Who We Are and What We Do (below) describes the environment and qualities we promote as means to these ends.
To embody this mission, the College of Arts and Sciences offers many majors and minors in different categories.
Drawing on imagination and skillful expression, the Arts help us recognize the deep connections we share with our neighbors and the world. The Arts teach how beauty shows itself in rich diversity. They also reveal the complex nature of suffering.
The degree focuses specifically on how visual media such as digital photography, videography, and graphic design are used to promote ideas in the contemporary world of visual language and media communication. Understanding both the technical and the conceptual processes to produce captivating and affective imagery allows students to enter the job market through a variety of positions according to the strengths of the individual.
Digital Media Art & Design is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
The Bachelor of Arts in Music is designed to educate students in all areas of musical arts in an academically rigorous and pre-professional environment that integrates Christian faith, scholarship, service, and career to create distinctive performances and to encourage exploration of our culture through the performance of thought-provoking, challenging, as well as entertaining music.
The Theatre program educates and develops theatre artists who demonstrate competency in multiple areas such as theatre studies, performance, production, and theatre technology; who are sensitive to their personal calling and create theatre that shares this calling with their communities; who engage in reflection and evaluation of the human experience; and who are familiar with the realities of theatre as a business and can function within that reality. Students learn to create productions which address questions of the human condition. Students and community members are encouraged to engage in reflection, action, and stewardship, and explore a variety of theatrical styles and genres.
Bible and Religion
Jesus Christ is God’s “Word” to us of love, redemption, and glory. The Bible testifies to this “Word.” The Church has lived and shared that testimony for two thousand years. We hear that “Word” today, believing its power to guide us and make us whole, individually and collectively. Our natural abilities of thought and reflection complement this great gift.
The Religious Studies major focuses on the study of religion, both theory and method, and the religions of the world. The purpose of the major is to not only educate students in the Christian religion but also to explore the nature and function of the religious impulse.
Career Opportunities
Students are prepared to enter theological seminaries or graduate schools of religion and philosophy in preparation for careers in the pastoral ministry, teaching, missions, or social work. Many graduates also enter fields of law, business, the social sciences, and education. Many graduates also enter fields of law, business, the social sciences, and education.
Religious Studies is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
The Biblical Studies program focuses on the study of the Christian Scriptures, religion, both theory and method, philosophy, and religions of the world. The purpose of the program is not only to educate students in the Christian religion, but also to explore the nature and function of the religious impulse.
Career Opportunities
Students are prepared to enter theological seminaries or graduate schools of religion and philosophy in preparation for careers in the pastoral ministry, teaching, mission, or social work. Many graduates also enter the fields of law, business, the social sciences, and education.
Youth Ministry program incorporates aspects of many disciplines including Sociology, Psychology, Bible Religion, Spiritual Development, Physiology, Communications, Business, and HR Management. King University recognizes the diverse skills necessary to succeed in this field and has developed a major that will thoroughly equip students for the challenges they will face working in churches, schools, or community agencies.
Youth Ministry is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
The Philosophy Department at King University celebrates humanity’s universal and timeless love of wisdom and ancient quest for meaning. We provide a supportive environment in which students actively become a part of this quest through earnest enquiry into the principal issues of philosophy, such as the nature of reality, what we can know and how this knowledge is acquired, the nature of truth and beauty, how we can judge between right and wrong, and how we ought to live. Students are also given the opportunity to examine the philosophical foundations of specific sciences, disciplines, and cultures through a wide array of course offerings.
The Humanities teach us important stories. These stories help us know ourselves and the world of both the past and the present. The Humanities also teach us how to ask hard questions about those stories. Is a story true? In what ways is it true? How can I tell? Why is the story important?
The History department at King is committed to creating an atmosphere that allows students to learn from their professors and from each other. Graduates will be well equipped to be transformers of culture, informed citizens, critical thinkers, and discerning consumers of information. They will also understand the framework of a Christian worldview and will explore how this shapes and is shaped by history.
History is offered in the following formats:
Languages and Literature
Language creates our ideas. It remains essential for convincing free people how best to act. Literature represents the best, most creative uses of language to describe our common condition, to teach us about the experiences of others, and to lead our imaginations toward good.
The English major engages literature and its subjects: human nature, artistic creation, and the pursuit of meaning. The work of careful reading, directed discussion, and responsive writing cultivates thoughtfulness, understanding, and facility with language. King English majors read, travel, and engage culture in the classroom and the world.
English is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
- Online
Through the study of the Spanish language, literature and history of other cultures, students gain a heightened sensitivity to the use of their native language and a greater appreciation for the world’s diversity. Our majors are well-prepared to enter the global society of the 21st century.
Spanish is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
The Natural Sciences—Biology, Chemistry, Physics—describe in detail how the physical world works. Mathematics and its applications show the deep connections between numbers and human experience. All the sciences and Mathematics provide powerful tools that benefit humankind. These tools also challenge us to act responsibly and compassionately.
The program includes three years of study at King University during which students complete all courses in the core curriculum and concentrate heavily on courses in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Students then transfer to the Tickle School of Engineering at the University of Tennessee to complete two years of engineering courses in one of four engineering tracks: Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, or Industrial Engineering.
After one year of engineering-related courses at the University of Tennessee have been completed, students may transfer their UT credits back to King to earn a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science and Mathematics at King.
The Applied Science program is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms. Students learn through rigorous classroom instruction combined with research conducted in campus labs and in the field. King offers a variety of tracks, allowing students to customize their study to prepare them for their chosen career path.
Biology is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
Biochemistry is located at one of the major crossroads of science. It pulls together not only chemistry and biology but also physics and medicine. It is one of the most versatile majors in all of the sciences. Students find that a biochemistry major gives them maximum flexibility as they decide which career path they want to pursue.
Chemistry has sometimes been called the “Central Science” because it has a fundamental relationship to so many other scientific fields. It is a laboratory science, a quantitative science, and a foundational science. A major in chemistry opens doors to several different career paths including graduate studies, medicine and many other health professions, science education, and jobs in industry.
Forensic Science has gotten the reputation for being a romantic discipline made popular by television. In reality, Forensic Science is a very steady discipline that has been around for well over a century. If you have a passion for both science and law, then this could be the field for you. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes chemistry, biology, and toxicology as well as statistics. And interestingly enough, it is a field that historically has been very attractive to women.
The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program at King covers a wide variety of concepts and theories in mathematics. It helps students develop the ability to think critically, analytically, and logically, and to examine applications of mathematics across the disciplines. Through the Mathematics program, King is committed to producing graduates with outstanding problem-solving skills and the ability to reason and communicate mathematical ideas while building meaningful lives of achievement for careers in business, education, engineering, statistics, actuarial science, and many other areas. Graduates also have the option of pursuing a teaching certification.
Mathematics is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
Physics may be considered the most fundamental of the sciences. Physicists study a variety of topics – ranging from examining the inner workings of an atomic nucleus to describing the motions of distant planetary systems and galaxies. Physics also forms the basis of the applied sciences.
The Physics program at King University offers a Bachelor of Science degree for students who plan to attend graduate school in disciplines such as Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, or Astrophysics. This degree program also affords sufficient math credits to grant the students a minor in Mathematics.
Students may consider pursuing a minor in Physics while majoring in a related field, in order to academically strengthen their programs. Additionally, a Bachelor of Arts degree with teaching licensure is also offered for students planning to teach high school Physics.
Social Sciences
The Social Sciences explore the social world and the pervasive ways it affects individuals. The Social Sciences thus focus on the ways individual minds work in relationship to society. The Social Sciences also describe power and its uses, for good and ill, by states and institutions.
The Political Science and History major is a fairly unique pairing of two very complementary disciplines; we believe that by combining these degrees, students gain a deeper understanding of human affairs than either degree could facilitate on its own. We focus on the primary historical and philosophical texts in western civilization, which develops the critical thinking skills needed to succeed in any job after graduation.
Political Science/History is offered in the following formats:
- On-Campus
- Online
The Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology provides unique blends of action with reflection and of Christian spirituality with broad intellectual growth. Psychology, as the crossroad science of the cultural mind, individual behavior, and the organic brain, prepares students for a wide variety of careers. Psychology students at King conduct original research projects, are encouraged to participate in internships that serve the community in which they hope to work, and are make first-hand observations of family life, children, and adolescents.
Psychology is offered in the following formats:
The Security and Intelligence Studies major offers a comprehensive education to students who desire to pursue public service and especially to those seeking admission to a graduate program in the liberal arts. The major stresses strong writing and critical thinking skills and dives deeply into substantive issues including terrorism/counterterrorism, analysis, geopolitics and ethics.
Learn more about the Security and Intelligence Studies program.
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