
Chapel, Convocation, and Service (CCS) are important, essential ways of partially fulfilling the core values of the college: educating persons to be intellectually proficient and disciplined, spiritually astute and mature, vocationally focused and adaptive, socially confident and compassionate, life long learners, and transformers of culture.



Convocation is an intellectual forum for the presentation of ideas that should challenge our way of thinking about and perceiving the major issues of our culture and world. Diverse points of view are welcomed, invited, and sought.

Click here for the current Convocation schedule.

Convocations will take place in venues appropriate to the event and program, for example, the Student Center Complex, First Presbyterian Church, Fine Arts Building, Memorial Chapel, or White Hall Auditorium, from 9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., on Mondays or at other announced times.


Service and mission projects are a means of reaching beyond ourselves to the greater community (locally, nationally, and internationally) with the love and compassion of God.

Special Sunday Services

Worship services are held on a few Sundays in conjunction with special campus activities, such as Orientation Weekend, Family Weekend, and Dogwood Weekend. Students often participate in planning and leading these special services.


Chapel is a worship service involving the whole person, body, mind, soul and spirit. Worship comes from inside each individual and cannot be forced from outside. The chapel space, worship format, and the act of worship itself should speak of the excellence and dignity of the God we worship. All who come to worship are asked to conduct themselves in a way to show respect for the space they are in, the persons they are worshiping with, and the God they love and serve.

Chapel will be held in Memorial Chapel, 9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., each Wednesday.