Dr. Jason Caudill has been with King since 2013 and currently serves as a Professor of Business and Program Coordinator of the Bachelor of Business Administration program. He holds a B.S. in Business, MBA, and PhD in Instructional Technology from the University of Tennessee. He also holds a Doctorate of Management from Swiss Management Center and a Graduate Certificate in Strategic Management from Harvard Extension School. Dr. Caudill is an active scholar, with a publication record of over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 40 peer-reviewed conference proceedings papers, and over 100 conference presentations. Recent publications include the International Journal of Innovation, Management, and Technology and the Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance, & Accounting. Recent conference presentations include the Global Conference on Business and Finance, the Virtual Innovative Educators Summit, and the International Association of Applied Business Research. He also serves as a reviewer for multiple publications in both Business and Education and has been recognized with multiple awards, including as a Phi Delta Kappa Distinguished Educator and a Kappa Delta Pi Teacher of Honor.
- Doctorate of Management, Swiss Management Center
- PhD, Instructional Technology, University of Tennessee
- MBA, University of Tennessee
- Strategic Management Certificate, Harvard Extension School
- BS, Business Administration, University of Tennessee
- Caudill, J. & Vance, J. (2016). The Integration of OECD Shareholder and Stakeholder Rights with Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Strategic and International Studies, 11(5), pp 86-91.
- Laughlin, V. & Caudill, J. (2016). Justly Criticized or Robbed of the Jewel of the Soul? Journal of Strategic and International Studies, 11(5), pp 12-18
- Caudill, J. (2016). Employee Motivations for Workplace Learning and the Role of E-Learning in the Workplace. Internet Learning, 4(2).
- Caudill, J. (2016). Building Higher Doctoral Programs to Drive Faculty Development: Concepts for Integrating the European Model in the U.S. Higher Education System. Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education, Spring, 2016.
- Caudill, J. and Laughlin, V. (2014). Financial And Legal Implications of Student Loan Financing and Potential Default. Journal of Academy for Advancement of Business Research. 2(1). pp 79-87.
- Caudill, J. (2013). Designing Workplace E-learning. IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology Bulletin. 15(4). pp 19-21.
- Caudill, J. (2013). Is it Time for a New Business Model?:Questions About the Future of Higher Education. Review of Business and Economic Studies.
- Caudill, J. (2012). Open, Closed, or Something Else?: The Shift of Open Educational Resources to Credentialed Learning. DEQuarterly. Spring 2012. Ed. 12.
- Caudill, J. (2012). OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources – The Next Big Thing in Technology-Enhanced Education? Journal of Learning in Higher Education. 8(2).
- Terrell, R. and Caudill, J. (2011). OpenCourseWare: Open Sharing of Course Content and Design. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 27(3). pp 38-42.
- Caudill, J. (2010). Helping to Bridge the Digital Divide with Free Software and Services. International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes. 2 (4). pp 13-27.
- Caudill, J. (2010). Understanding Technologist Culture to Manage E-Commerce. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management. Vol 10. Issue 2. pp. 127-138.
- Caudill, J. (2009). Implementing an Open Source Learning Management System for an Institution of Higher Education. Journal of Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics. 1. pp 9-13.
- Caudill, J. (2008). A Commentary on the Corporatization of Higher Education. Academic Exchange Extra. March 2008
- Caudill, J. (2008). Questions and Research Opportunities in Higher Education. British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol 39 No 5.
- Caudill, J. (2007). The Growth of mLearning and the Growth of Mobile Computing – Parallel Developments. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. June, 2007.
- Caudill, J. (2018). Benchmarking Academic Best Practices for Workplace Support of Virtual Learning. Proceedings for the 2018 International Association of Applied Business Research and Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies. (accepted for publication)
- Caudill, J. (2018). Driving Workforce Development with Credentialed Certificate Programs. Proceedings for the 2018 Global Conference on Business and Finance.
- Caudill, J. (2017). The Emerging Formalization of MOOC Coursework: Rise of the MicroMasters. Proceedings for the 2017 AACE EdMedia Conference.
- Caudill, J. & Vance, J. (2016). The Integration of OECD Shareholder and Stakeholder Rights with Corporate Social Responsibility. Proceedings for the joint 2016 Las Vegas International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference and Conference on Business, Economics, Finance, and Accounting
- Laughlin, V. & Caudill, J. (2016). Justly Criticized or Robbed of the Jewel of the Soul? Proceedings for the joint 2016 Las Vegas International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference and Conference on Business, Economics, Finance, and Accounting.
- Caudill, J. (2016). The Changing Role of Post-Secondary Education for Non-Traditional Students: Partnering with Employers for Workplace Development. Proceedings for the AACE EdMedia 2016 Conference.
- Caudill, J. & Laughlin, V. (2016). Utilizing Mentoring in the Distance Learning Environment. Proceedings for the 2016 Teaching, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference.
- Caudill, J. (2015). Knowledge Management as a Strategic Imperative for Sustained Competitive Advantage. Proceedings for the 2015 Society of Business Research Conference.
- Caudill, J. (2015). Successful Approaches to Workplace Learning Across Employee Categories. Proceedings for the 2015 Academic Business World International Conference.
- Caudill, J. (2015). Building Higher Doctoral Programs to Drive Faculty Development: Concepts for Integrating a European Model in the U.S. Higher Education System. Proceedings for the 2015 International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education.
- Caudill, J. (2014). Connecting Information Systems and Cybersecurity Education with the Demands for Cybersecurity Experts in Modern Firms. Proceedings for the 2014 Society of Business Research Conference.
- Caudill, J. (2014). Building Courses for Nontraditional Students with Blended Learning. Proceedings for the 2014 Teaching, Colleges, & Community Worldwide Online Conference.
- Caudill, J. and Laughlin, V. (2014). Financial And Legal Implications of Student Loan Financing and Potential Default. Proceedings for the 2014 Key West International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference.
- Caudill, J. (2013). Planning for the Next Debt Crisis: Student Loan Demand and Default. Proceedings for the 2013 International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education.
- Caudill, J. (2013). Is it Time for a New Business Model?:Questions About the Future of Higher Education. Proceedings for 2013 Key West International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference.
- Caudill, J. and Reeves, B. (2012). The Business of Instructional Design: Strategies for Workplace E-Learning. Proceedings for AACE E-Learn 2012 – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education.
- Caudill, J. (2012). Building a Multimedia Computer Lab in Times of Budgetary Reductions: An Open Source Media Toolkit. Proceedings for ED-MEDIA 2012 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications.
- Caudill, J. (2012). OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources: Forward to Credentialed Learning Outcomes? Proceedings of Technology, Colleges & Community Worldwide Online Conference 2012. Honolulu, HI: TCC.
- Terrell, R. and Caudill, J. (2011). Using OpenCourseWare to Enhance On-Campus Educational Programs. Proceedings for CCSC East 2011 – the Eastern Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges.
- Caudill, J. (2011). OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources – The Next Big Thing in Technology-Enhanced Education? Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education 2011 Conference, ICLAHE 2011.
- Caudill, J. (2011). Business Security and Continuity of Operations Planning: The New Strategic Imperative. Proceedings of the Academic Business World International Conference, ABWIC 2011.
- Caudill, J. and Terrell, R. (2011). Using OpenCourseWare to Enhance On-Campus Educational Programs. Proceedings of Technology, Colleges & Community Worldwide Online Conference 2011. Honolulu, HI: TCC.
- Caudill, J., Stephens, V., Beecher, H., and Catlett, C. (2011). A Multi-Discipline Approach to Selecting a New Learning Management System. Proceedings for the 2011 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, AACE SITE.
- Reeves, B. and Caudill, J. (2011). Attracting, Retaining, and Retraining Skill Workers Through E-Learning. Proceedings for the 2011 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, AACE SITE.
- Caudill, J. (2011). Media-rich Social Networks: Open Source Solutions to Media Creation. Proceedings for the 2011 Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, AACE SITE.
- Caudill, J. (2010). Lifetime Learning, E-Learning, and their Influence on Modern Firms’ Competitive Environment. Proceedings for AACE E-Learn 2010.
- Caudill, J. (2010). Obstacles to Assessing the For-Profit Online Education and Training Industry. Proceedings of the 2010 Intellectbase Academic Conference.
- Terrell, R. and Caudill, J. (2010). A Theoretical Methodology to Align a Technical Degree Program with AACSB Accreditation Standards. Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education 2010 Conference, ICLAHE 2010.
- Caudill, J. (2010). Is Traditional Marketing Dead?: Social Network Marketing and What it Means to Practitioners. Proceedings of the Academic Business World International Conference, ABWIC 2010.
- Caudill, J. and Terrell, R. (2010). Integrating Online Security Into the Undergraduate Curriculum. Proceedings of Technology, Colleges & Community Worldwide Online Conference 2010. Honolulu, HI: TCC.
- Trovinger, D., Morris, M.L. and Caudill, J. (2010). Strengths for Generation Y Workplace Development and its Importance to HRD. Proceedings for the Academy of Human Resource Development 2010 International Research Conference in the Americas.
- Terrell, R. and Caudill, J. (2009). Designing Technology for a New Academic Building. Proceedings for ED-MEDIA 2009 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications.
- Caudill, J. (2009). Maintaining Performance while Reducing Costs through Technology Management. Proceedings for the 2009 Academic Business World International Conference, ABWIC 2009.
- Caudill, J. (2009). Supplementing Organizational Resources with Google Applications. Proceedings for the 2009 International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education, ICLAHE 2009.
- Caudill, J. (2008). Implementing an Open Source Learning Management System for a Higher Education Institution. Proceedings for the 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2008.
- Caudill, J. (2007). A Market Analysis of Online Education. In C. Ho (Ed.), Proceedings of Technology, Colleges & Community Worldwide Online Conference 2007. Honolulu, HI: TCC.
- Caudill, J. (2006). Making the Shift from Live to Virtual Lectures: Experiences of an Adjunct Professor of Business. In C. Ho (Ed.), Proceedings of Technology, Colleges & Community Worldwide Online Conference 2006 (pp. 12-17). Honolulu, HI: TCC.