In Latin, the word “doctor” means “teacher”. I am a medical doctor – a Family Physician. For more than 20 years of my life, I was involved in the day-to-day care of patients of all ages. I have delivered babies, cared for those with terminal illnesses and shared life stories with thousands of people between those two extremes. I have laughed and cried, rejoiced and mourned, taught and learned with and from them all. Like a well-worn and threadbare quilt, I carry a small piece of them in the fabric of who I am. I have had a very privileged and rare glimpse into the raw and intimate truths of pain, suffering, strength, courage, and the wide spectrum of the human condition. Over those years, I came to realize that that of all the consequences and tragedies that occur when we find ourselves in need of advanced medical care, the greatest may be fear…..the fear of the unknown….the fear that we have lost control of our lives ….the fear of death. This fear isn’t always on the surface. It’s not always so easy to identify. We often are resistant to acknowledge its very existence. There is, however, an antidote to this fear. Great power comes from understanding…the power to break the grip of fear. More than any other remedy, helping my patients to understand more about their own condition became my most helpful therapy to ease their suffering. Interestingly (at least to me), I found that by educating my patients about health and wellness issues that I was being enriched by it. The experience was transforming for both me and the patients I served.
The realities of a physician life, however, left precious little time to devote the nurturing of my own family, so after approximately 20 years in practice, I retired. Instead of worrying what came next, I dedicated myself to being the best husband, father, brother and son I could be. I turned over the responsibility for determining where I would land following retirement to God. As it turned out, I didn’t have to wait long.
Soon after retiring from medicine, the Lord led me to King. What a wonderful place! King’s Core Values of Christian faith, scholarship, service, and career, and Mission to prepare students to excel as thoughtful, resourceful, and responsible citizens with a passion for serving God, the Church and the world speaks deeply to me. In my journey with King, I have contributed as the university has needed me and currently serve as the Dean of the School of Health and Professional Sciences. I am blessed to serve a strong and dedicated faculty and have such a wonderful and caring King family. My time here has continually reinforced the truths learned in clinical practice……knowledge is powerful and, with Christ, transformational.
Memorial Medical Center, Inc., Savannah, Georgia.
Family Practice Residency Program
James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
Degree-B.S. Biology