Religious Studies Program Overview
The B.A. in Religious Studies prepares students to enter theological seminaries or graduate schools of religion in preparation for careers in pastoral ministry, teaching, mission, or chaplaincy. Many graduates also enter the fields of law, business, nursing, psychology, social work, and education.
- The Religious Studies major focuses on the study of Christian Scriptures, practical ministry, theory and method of religion, philosophy, and religions of the world. The purpose of the major is not only to educate students in the Christian religion, but also to explore the nature and function of the religious impulse.
- The Religious Studies major consists of a six-course common core. Students are then required to choose their preferred concentration.
Concentrations include:
- Biblical Studies
- Philosophy
- Theory and Method in Religious Studies
- Youth Ministry
Supplemental Minors
The minors in Biblical Studies, Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Youth Ministry are excellent supplemental programs, enhancing many other majors. These minors enable students to pursue advanced biblical and theological study, philosophy, and youth ministry and thereby integrate faith into their chosen field of interest.
- American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, GA
- Al Quds University Exchange Program, East Jerusalem, Palestine
- Society of Biblical Literature, American Academy of Religion, American Society of Oriental Religion, Al Quds University, East Jerusalem, and American Philosophical Association

Learn what you can do with a degree in Philosophy or Religion at King.
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Learn what you can do with a degree in Ministry at King.
View in Full ResolutionReligious Studies Common Core Requirements
A survey of the content, message, and literary forms of the books of the Old Testament with attention given to the principles of biblical interpretation. – 4 s.h
A survey of the content, message, and literary forms of the books of the New Testament with attention given to the principles of biblical interpretation. – 4 s.h.
This course is a survey dealing with the ideas and practices of the world’s major religions. This introduction provides opportunity for Christian interface with world religions, cults, and sects. – 4 s.h.
Examines the basic contents of Christian theology. It investigates theological methodology, the philosophical presuppositions of various theological systems, and provides a basic acquaintance with theological vocabulary through readings and by survey of various creeds and confessions. – 4 s.h.
This course offers a survey and examination of significant thought from within the history of philosophy. The course content will cover pivotal metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical movements from the ancient Greek era to 21st Century. It will provide understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of current ways of thought, a stream of thought against which to compare Christian beliefs, along with some measure of insight into the fundamental questions of human life. – 4 s.h.
This survey of Church History is an introductory course to the study of Christian Ecclesiastical History. It seeks to survey the important persons, ideas, and movements in the spread of the Christian faith, along with its impact upon the world. The course seeks to heighten awareness of the historical dimension of life and the Christian community, and to increase understanding of the historical method and some of its problems as it applies to matters of church history. In addition, the course will explore ways in which the study of history is beneficial for the contemporary church, especially as they relate to matters of evangelism, spirituality and piety, and cultural interaction. – 4 s.h.
Comprehensive assessment in religious students demonstrates competency in the graduating student’s major field in these areas: Biblical content, theology, philosophy, and critical thinking and analysis. – 0 s.h.
*Track will indicate appropriate assessment
Students must choose one of the following concentrations:
Concentration Requirements:
- BIBL 3020 – Hebrew Prophetic Literature
- BIBL 3040 – The Life and Teaching of Jesus
- BIBL 3520 – Historical Geography and Archaeology of the Southern Levant
- BIBL 3800 – Internship/Cooperative Education
- BIBL 4050 – Hebrew Wisdom Literature
- BIBL 4140 – Paul
Concentration Requirements:
- PHIL 2020 – Logic and Critical Thinking
- PHIL 2410 – Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 3720 – Ethics
- PHIL 3820 – Philosophy of Human Nature
- PHIL 3440 OR PHIL 3760 (choose one)
- PHIL 3440 – Asian Philosophy
- PHIL 3760 – Aesthetics: The Philosophy of Art, Beauty, and Culture
Concentration Requirements:
- PHIL 2410 – Philosophy of Religion
- HIST 3000 – The Professional Historian: Historical Study and Writing
- RELG 3020 – Theory and Method in the Study of Religion
- RELG 3292 – Religion and Politics in a Global Context
- PSCI 3710 – Ancient Political Thought
Concentration Requirements:
- YTMN 1620 – Foundations of Youth Ministry
- YTMN 2450 – Recreation and Adventure-Based Learning
- YTMN 3210 – Practical Theology for Ministry
- YTMN 3610 – Program Administration for Youth Ministry
- YTMN 4110 – Senior Seminar for Ministry
- YTMN 3800 – Internship
Technology Requirements
Laptop computer with Microsoft Office 365, wireless and webcam capability is required. Microsoft Office 365 is available to all King students to load on the PC or Mac and is accessible at Office.com using their King University credentials.
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Adjunct Faculty
Corey is proud to call Northeast Tennessee home and ardently devotes his time to savoring the nature, the spectacle and the culture that comes with living in the Appalachian Highlands. In addition, Corey operates on the mission to give, love and serve this area as much as he can by whatever means he can. Corey has a diverse background in both youth and pastoral ministry. This experience supplements his desire to build relationships and share relevant online content for a Christian populace such as King offers. In addition to Corey’s work in ministry, he has committed himself to occupational ministry as an IT professional, with a passion for ethical business, education and servant leadership.
As a student, Corey holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from University of the Cumberlands, Master’s Degree in Instructional Design and Technology from Full Sail University, a Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry Leadership from Liberty University, a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communication, with a minor in Sociology from East Tennessee State University and an Associate Degree in Speech Communication from Northeast State Community College.
Corey worked as a full-time staff member at King University from 2013 until 2018 and continues to thrive on serving this community. Corey began working for King in the Information Technology department, transitioned to Academic Technology and now serves as a part-time faculty member and loves being a part of the King community.
- Email – [email protected]
- Master Business Administration, University of the Cumberlands
- Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership, Liberty University
- Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology, Full Sail University
- Bachelor of Science in Speech Communication with a minor in Sociology, East Tennessee State University
- Associate of Science in Speech Communication, Northeast State Community College
- Email – [email protected]