Philosophy Program Overview
The Philosophy Department at King University celebrates humanity’s universal and timeless love of wisdom and ancient quest for meaning.
We provide a supportive environment in which students actively become a part of this quest through earnest enquiry into the principal issues of philosophy, such as the nature of reality, what we can know and how knowledge is acquired, the nature of truth and beauty, how we can judge between right and wrong, and how we ought to live. Students are also given the opportunity to examine the philosophical foundations of specific sciences, disciplines, and cultures through a wide array of course offerings.
The Philosophy Department offers a minor consisting of 20 semester hours or a special concentration of study within the Bible and Religion department. Students in philosophy will take courses in the history of philosophy, ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, bioethics, environmental ethics, the philosophy of human nature, critical social and political philosophy, and Asian philosophy, among others. The department also provides students with a thriving philosophical learning community and social outlet through its Philosophy Club and group travel to philosophical conferences and events throughout the region.
The Value of a Degree in Philosophy
Students completing a degree in philosophy are prepared to enter law school or graduate school in theology, philosophy, and religion. The degree is also useful for careers in medicine, bioethics, journalism, management, business, and government. Many of our former students have enjoyed success in wide variety of non-academic fields, and others have gone on to graduate study at such places as Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, University of Virginia, and Princeton Theological Seminary. While we are truly proud of the professional and academic success of our students, we do not lose sight of the main benefits of studying philosophy. Irrespective of their career path, our students exit our program with a comprehensive understanding of other cultures and worldviews, the ability to think critically about important and controversial issues, and some measure of insight into the more fundamental mysteries of human life.