Physics Program Overview
Physics may be the most fundamental of all sciences stretching from understanding distant galaxies to the inner workings of the nucleus of every atom. It is the basis for all applied sciences.
The Physics program at King University offers you a Bachelor of Science degree if you are planning to attend graduate school in disciplines such as Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, or Astronomy. The degree includes sufficient math credits to grant you a minor in Mathematics as well. A minor in Physics is also easily combined with other majors.
A Bachelor of Arts degree with teaching licensure is also offered if you plan to teach Physics in high school. There is a very high demand for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) teachers nationwide. A B.A. in Physics without licensure will provide you with a broad but rigorous technical degree which would be useful in many careers.
The Physics program offers you small classes, strong laboratory emphasis, and personal attention from faculty. You are encouraged to pursue summer internships at major universities and research centers which grant both academic credit and usually a substantial salary as well. Opportunities for summer research in astronomy are possible, too! You may choose a semester internship at local companies and medical sites; such placements in the past have influenced students’ career paths and graduate study.

Astrophysics | Medical / Health Physics |
Biophysics | Nuclear Physics |
Civil engineering | Optics |
Education – University / College / High School | Particle Physics |
Engineering – Biomedical / Chemical / Civil / Industrial | Quantum Technologies |
Green Technologies / Alternative Energies | Robotics |
What Are Our Physics Graduates Doing Now?
Currently some are in graduate school in engineering, medical physics, and theoretical physics at Vanderbilt, University of Kentucky, Duke University, and University of Tennessee. Another graduate has recently earned her Ph.D. in Physics and is teaching at Cumberland University in Kentucky. There are graduates who are in a variety of fields ranging from medical physics to web design to government intelligence gathering.
Physics Coursework
- To view all required courses for a BS in Physics, click here.
- To view all required courses for a minor in Physics, click here.
- To view course descriptions, click here.
Laptop Requirement
The Physics program requires a laptop with Microsoft Office 2010 or later, and wireless and webcam capability.