In this section, we have tried to address many frequently asked questions. As always, if you do not find the information you are seeking, please feel free to contact our office.

General Questions

Where is the Residence Life Office located?

The Residence Life office is located in Maclellan Hall Room 11 & Room 30.

Who do I contact if I have a problem?

  • Your RA: A student leader who lives on your floor
  • Your Area Coordinator: Professional full-time staff member who is the supervisor for all residence hall staff
  • Director of Residence Life: Professional full time staff member who supervises the Area Coordinators, coordinates the housing assignments process, and oversees all Residence Life functions

Building Types: Single Sex/Traditional/Suite

  • Single Sex Buildings: All of the residents of the building are of the same gender
  • Traditional Style Rooms: Traditional style housing refers to multiple occupancy rooms on a hallway that share a common bathroom. The housekeeping staff cleans the common hallway bathrooms on a regular basis.
  • Suite Style Rooms: In Hyde Hall, Mitchell Hall, and Liston Suites, residents share a semi-private bathroom and a small living area with a small number of students. Most rooms in the suite are double occupancy. Suite residents are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the common suite area. Resident Assistants may enter the suites as part of their duty rounds. Students are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms in the suite areas.

Can I move in early? When can I move into my room?

Freshman and new students can move in the Thursday before classes begin. All continuing students can start moving in the following Saturday and Sunday before classes begin. The King University staff is preparing buildings for students up to the last minute, so moving in earlier is not an option. If there are extenuating circumstances such as an academic or athletic reason, your coach or professor must verify, in writing, your need to move in early. This must be done as early as possible so the staff may properly prepare for your arrival.

Any student who moves in early and is not part of an approved athletic team, approved student/academic group, Launch Staff, or Residence Life Staff will be charged $250.00 per day until the official move-in date for new students or returning students.

Check-Out Procedures

Check-Out During the Semester Due to Withdrawal

All students withdrawing during the semester or between the Fall and Spring semesters due to withdrawal need to complete the online withdrawal form and contact their RA or Area Coordinator to check out of their room properly. Students must remove their belongings and clean the room. All personal effects must be removed from University property. Failure to do so will result in additional per diem fees and/or charges. We will not be responsible for abandoned personal property.

End-of-Semester Check-Out

At the end of each semester, residents are expected to check out within 24 hours of completing their last exam. Students found in the building after closing or before opening are subject to trespassing charges, a fine of $250.00, a referral to the student conduct process, or immediate removal by Campus Security.


  • Completely clear your room prior to your check-out appointment.
  • An RA or Area Coordinator will accompany you to your room during the inspection.
  • Sign your Room Condition Form at the check-out section
  • Turn in key to the RA or Staff Member that is checking you out
  • Close and lock your room door behind you.
  • Everyone must checkout before 10 am on the morning following graduation.

All students staying after the last day of their exams should have contacted and received approval from Housing for permission to stay. UNLESS HOUSING HAS APPROVED FOR A STUDENT TO STAY, THE STUDENT IS NOT PERMITTED TO STAY. Seniors and those with special permission to stay late should make an appointment with a staff member 24-hours in advance of their departure for check out.


Residents should carry their trash to the dumpster… not in hallways, rooms, lounges or kitchens.

The Cleaning of the Room- YOU WILL BE BILLED if not clean at check out.

All rooms/Suites MUST be cleaned before you leave:

  • All personal items out of the room/suite
  • All carpet vacuumed/floor swept
  • Sink cleaned in Suite Bathrooms. No scum allowed. Rinse and wipe dry.
  • Clean and wipe mirror
  • All tops dusted/wiped off (desk tops, drawer tops, shelves, etc.)
  • All belongings removed from the drawers and drawers wiped out
  • No items left in lounges/hallways/bath areas/stairwells
  • Bathroom MUST be cleaned – If you have a suite bathroom (Hyde/Liston Suites/Mitchell)
  • Toilet – cleaned and wiped off
  • Sink – wiped clean, stains removed
  • Mirror – wiped clean, stickers etc. removed
  • Bathtub/shower – cleaned, stains removed, walls and basin clean
  • Floor – swept and mopped
  • Failure to adhere to these standards of cleanliness will result in damage charges

Disposal of Trash, Bulk Items

  • ALL trash should be bagged and placed OUTSIDE either in the dumpster or a recycle bin. Items placed anywhere other than these sites will be documented for Honor Council.
  • BUILDING MATERIALS (Blocks, boards, shelves) must be taken outside! It should be placed by the dumpsters located outside of the building. Do not place these items in or in front of Dumpsters
  • Cardboard boxes etc. should be broken down and placed in the dumpsters or recycle bins.
  • If the dumpster is full – FIND ANOTHER ONE that is not.
  • Trash strewn up and down the building or “hidden” in areas in the building will be considered trashing and the floor/community will be documented and you will be billed.
  • If EVERY person takes care of his/her own mess then technically there should be no mess left in the area.
  • Bills will be assessed at the end of the year by AREA COORDINATORS ONLY. No one else can determine if a student will or will not be charged. RAs cannot determine charges, and should not tell you the “room is good, no charges”. They have only the responsibility to document what they see.
  • During rounds, RA’s will be noting lounges/areas which are trashed and those areas will be assessed damage or referred to the Honor Council.

Dining Options

  • The Dining Hall is located on the main floor of Maclellan Hall. The main dining hall offers continuous dining from 7am to 7pm each weekday and offers abbreviated hours on the weekends and holidays.
  • The King’s Den is located on the ground floor of Maclellan Hall. They offer food like burgers, quesadillas, other snacks, and coffee.
  • All on-campus students are required to sign up for the full dining plan.

Disability/Medical Accommodations

  • The Residence Life office collaborates with the Director of Learning Services and the Academic Center for Excellence to provide desired assistance and/or accommodations as available. Students who are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the Coordinator of Residence Life or the Director of Learning Services, which coordinates services across many different departments.
  • Students requesting special accommodation due to a medical condition, disability, or other situation which may affect on-campus living should complete the “Request for Special Accommodation in Housing Assignment” section of the Confirmation of Enrollment form.
  • It is required that your home physician, who is not a family member, submit documentation of your request to the Director of Learning Services. This will be reviewed by the Director of Learning Services, who will then forward a recommendation to the housing office. Please see the full policy and request procedure listed in your student handbook.
  • The earlier we are aware of your needs the more successful we will be in accommodating you.

Do I have to live on campus?

Yes. King University policy stipulates all unmarried students who are under the age of 21 at the time of enrollment who do not live with parent(s) or guardian(s) are required to live in college-owned housing for the fall and spring semesters. (Written documentation is required.) This includes transfer students and international students.

If a violation of the on-campus residency requirement is discovered before the semester begins, the student’s enrollment may be jeopardized unless the Housing application is completed and the student is assigned to on-campus housing. If a violation of the policy is discovered after the start of the semester, the student will be referred to the Dean of Students and subject to Student Conduct procedures for failure to comply with King policies. The student will also be assessed and held responsible for the room and board charges for that school year/semester.

Fire Safety

Did you know?

  • Burnt popcorn in a microwave is the single largest cause of fire alarms on campus.
  • Cooking is the leading cause of fire and home fire injuries in the United States.
  • About two million fires are reported every year in the United States. Every year, fire causes more deaths than all natural disasters combined. It is the third leading cause of accidental death in the United States.

Fire can ignite very easily and is extremely dangerous, especially in a residence hall. However, there are many ways to prevent fire, protect your belongings, and escape injury if fire does occur in your residence hall.

If there is a fire:

  • Sound the Alarm
  • If you discover or suspect a fire, sound the building fire alarm.
  • As you leave the building notify other occupants by knocking on doors and shouting “Fire!”.
  • Leave the Building.
  • Move away from the building, out of the way of the fire department.
  • Don’t go back into the building until the fire department says it is safe to do so.
  • Call the Security or Call 911.
  • Dial 911 or use an emergency phone. Give as much information as possible to the 911 operator.

In the event of fire, the following additional tips will help to keep you safe:

  • Keep your door keys and student ID handy, so you can easily grab them in the event of an emergency.
  • Feel the door with the back of your hand. If the door is cool, leave your room, close the door behind you, and proceed to the nearest exit to leave the building. If your door is hot, remain in your room, go to the window, and signal for help. Call 911 and report your location.
  • The smoke and heat caused by a fire can be deadly. Stay close to the floor while escaping from a burning building. Keep your mouth and nose covered with a wet cloth.
  • Do Not use elevators during a fire alarm.

Fire and Emergency Evacuation Drills

Each occupied residence hall is required to schedule three fire drills per semester in order to comply with the statewide fire code. The purpose of the drills are to provide all residents and staff practice in the event there is ever a real fire or other evacuation emergency. Alarms and other components of the fire safety system are also checked to see that they are working properly. The fire drills are generally held monthly during the hours of 8:00 a.m.- 11:00 p.m. Residence Life and Security staff work with the Fire Department and will supervise the evacuation and enter all student rooms to verify the room alarm is working properly and residents have evacuated. Following the drill, residents receive a report and feedback on the evacuation process.

The procedures for evacuation are described in this Fire Safety section of your student handbook as well as the fire safety section of this page. Be sure you know what to do when the fire alarm sounds, and always evacuate! Failing to evacuate during any fire alarm, real or drill, will result in a student conduct referral and may result in probation, a $100 fine, or a more serious disciplinary sanction.

Residence Hall Decorations

Curtains and Hangings: Curtains, draperies, hangings, and other decorative materials suspended from walls or ceilings must be flame-resistant or non-combustible. Rating must be documented on an attached tag. Nothing can be hung in the window or doorway.

Wall Decorations: Only 10 percent of the wall space may be covered with combustible decorative materials (posters, pictures, papers, textiles, etc.). There is no limit to the amount of non-combustible materials permitted on a wall.


Electrical appliances such as electric stoves, George Foreman-type grills, toaster ovens, toasters, air conditioners, space heaters, hot plates, and other open-coiled appliances are not permitted in residence hall rooms. One refrigerator is permitted in each room. However, it may not exceed 4.5 cubic feet in capacity with an electrical rating of 120 volts and no more than 2.0 amps when in operation. Small appliances with fully enclosed heating elements and are UL approved, such as coffee makers, irons, and small microwaves (1,000 watts or less) are permitted. Only one small microwave per residence hall room is allowed. Halogen lamps and high intensity lamps are prohibited in residence hall rooms. Multiple fires in student rooms around the country have been attributed to halogen lamps coming into contact with bedding or clothing.

Electrical Cords and Multi-Plug Strips

Alterations of any kind to the electrical system are strictly prohibited. Extension cords of any kind are not permitted; refer to pictures of prohibited items. Power outlet strips are permitted if they are UL listed, have a maximum ampere rating of 15, and have an integral circuit breaker or fuse (the strip will have a reset switch or button on it). Power outlet strips can have a cord or be constructed as a multi-plug device which plugs directly into an outlet; both types must have an integral circuit breaker. Power outlet strips cannot be plugged into any other multi-plug device. Each power strip or multi-plug device must be plugged directly into a wall outlet and only two per student are permitted.

Approved multi-plug power strip. Note the circuit breaker switch.


Prohibited Electrical Cords and Plugs


Flammable Items

Flammable items such as fuel (propane, lamp oil, solvents, gasoline, etc) may not be stored or used in rooms. Items with an open flame, operate on fuel, or produce heat (such as Bunsen burners, lit candles, incense, and alcohol burners) are prohibited. Candles, incense, and other items producing an open flame may not be burned in the residence halls except as part of a regulated religious ceremony approved in advance by the Director of Security.

Tampering with Fire Safety Equipment

Tampering with or misuse of fire safety equipment is prohibited. Fire safety equipment includes, but is not limited to: smoke detectors, alarm sounders, alarm covers, alarm pull stations, and extinguishers. Anyone found causing an intentional fire alarm, tampering with fire safety equipment, or not properly evacuating during a fire alarm will face arrest and/or stern College action. Termination of housing and suspension from the College are the possible sanctions, respectively, for tampering with fire safety equipment or causing a false alarm.

Fire Safety Room Inspections

The Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s office is required to inspect the common and mechanical areas of each residence hall on an annual basis. In addition, 20 percent of student rooms are randomly selected for inspection. The inspection focuses on, but is not limited to: proper use of electrical cords; compliance with the decorations regulation; and smoke detector testing.

Smoke Detector Testing and Recording

Testing battery-powered smoke detectors is easy and takes a minimal amount of time. Residents must test them once every week.

  • Always exercise caution when reaching for smoke detectors.
  • Press and hold smoke detector button (up to 30 seconds).
  • Listen for beep and release button.
  • Congratulations! You have completed your weekly test.

Means of Egress

Means of egress is another name for any exit from a building. Means of egress at King includes hallways, stairwells, and doors over which an exit sign is placed. Emergency evacuation signs have been placed in the residence halls to direct residents to exits in case of an emergency.

Obstructing these means of egress is forbidden and can be dangerous or life threatening. The Tennessee Statewide Fire Prevention Code states in section F-604.1:

“The means of egress from each part of the structure, including exits, stairways, egress doors and any panic hardware installed thereon, aisles, corridors, passageways, and similar elements of the means of egress, shall at all times be maintained in a safe condition and available for immediate utilization and free of all obstructions.”

The code also states in section F-606.1:

“An exit shall not be utilized for any purpose that interferes with its function as a means of egress.”

Bicycles, trash, furniture, boxes, and similar items may not be placed in hallways or stairwells at any time.

Windows and doorways must not be blocked at anytime. you must be able to use your window or door as a way to exit your room in case of a fire or other emergency.

Evacuation Procedure

The Bristol Fire Department responds to all fire alarms. However, the most important step you can take for your safety is to learn the quickest way out of the building and always evacuate whenever you hear a fire alarm. Smoke is the most significant danger in a fire and prompt evacuation is your best response.

When the general fire alarm sounds in your building, feel your room door:

  • If cool, leave immediately, close the door, and proceed quickly and in an orderly fashion to the nearest exit. Stay out of the building until given the “all clear” signal by emergency personnel or Residence Life staff. Failure to evacuate properly during a fire alarm is a serious breach of King University policy. Use stairwells in the event of fire. Do not use elevators, which might become inoperable and trap occupants. Stairwell doors in residence halls are fire doors and must remain closed at all times. Never prop them open, especially when evacuating.
  • If the door is hot, remain in the room, put towels or other material under the door, open the window from the top, and call 911.

Evacuation Tips

  • If you see smoke or flame and the alarm is not sounding, pull the closest fire alarm and leave the building.
  • If smoke is present in the hallway or stairwell, remain close to the floor.

If you are unable to evacuate without special assistance or a modified plan, contact your RA, the Residence Life Staff, or Campus Security. Special accommodations or a personalized evacuation plan may save your life!

Food Storage

Students are welcome to store food in their room, however, it must be stored in airtight containers (zip top bags, plastic containers) or sealed in original packaging to avoid unwanted pests.

Health Care

If medical attention is needed, there are several doctors, walk-in clinics, and hospitals in the Bristol TN/VA area. If a student does not have transportation (self or friend), Residence Life Staff would be happy to call a cab/taxi for the student. Residence Life Staff are not permitted to transport students at anytime due to liability concerns.

Your Room Key

When you check in, you will be issued keys for your room. If you lose your keys, the lock on your door or suite door will be changed at a cost to you. You should report lost keys immediately to your Area Coordinator for replacement. Tennessee State law prohibits the duplication of residence hall keys for any reason.

Locked Out?

If you find yourself locked out of your room, Resident Assistants have access to master keys and may only unlock the room to which you are assigned. This service is provided as a courtesy, but keep in mind abuse (more than three unlocks per semester) of this service may jeopardize your privileges.

If your RA is not available and you have lost your room key(s), contact your Area Coordinator. Security, Housekeeping, and Maintenance staff members are not permitted to let residents into their rooms.

Lofts and Wooden Structures

Lofts of any type or other wooden structures are prohibited in the residence halls. Most residence hall beds are already equipped with adjustable parts to raise, lower, or bunk the beds. Residence Life staff reserve the right to request a student remove any structure deemed to be a loft or unsafe at any point.

Maintenance Requests

If something is broken or is not working properly in your room, you can submit a Maintenance Request to have it repaired or replaced. Any student or staff member can submit a Maintenance Request. Requests can be submitted on the Help Desk website. Just click on the Maintenance Request link and fill in the boxes with the proper information. When prompted for a password, the password is “tornado”.

Emergency Maintenance Requests (housekeeping requests, maintenance requests)

The housekeeping and maintenance staff at King take care of the residence halls, creating a clean and well-maintained environment for our students. At night and on weekends, our on-call emergency staff is able to respond to situations quickly. Never attempt to fix something yourself.

If you have a housekeeping or maintenance need, your first point of contact is your resident advisor. The RA will evaluate the situation and in the event of an emergency, the RA will contact our on-call staff to deal with any problem.

Anytime there is running water (a stopped up sink is not an emergency, water flowing onto the floor is), electrical problems, or safety issues (broken glass, body spills, etc.) please contact the RA staff immediately or call Security. There is no charge for repairs or maintenance to your room resulting from normal use. However, you will be financially responsible for repairs due to vandalism, misuse, or abuse.

Ethernet Connections & Wireless

The campus has recently changed over to a campus wide wireless network. Please see the Help Desk Website for more information on how to link into the wireless network at King. The IT department prefers that all students, faculty, and staff use the wireless network.

Every student living on campus will have Ethernet access in their room, but the student must request that the port be turned on. You can request to have your ethernet port turned on by submitting a work order to the help desk.

Ethernet refers to the wires and electronics, which connect you to the campus network and to the Internet. Ethernet is up to 500 times faster than a typical modem or CBX data connection. You will have rapid access to your e-mail, class files, library databases, and the web.

While the Residence Halls are wireless, all locations on campus such as the dining hall, classroom spaces, the Oval, and the library are all equipped with wireless technology.


All vehicles, including motorcycles, parked on King’s campus must be registered with Campus Security and must display a valid King parking permit. Parking permits must be obtained within one week of arriving on campus. Resident Students may only park in designated areas.

Pest Control

Although not generally a problem, bugs occasionally appear in a community of our size. If you have a problem, please contact our staff. To expedite the process, please complete a Maintenance Request.

Can we have a pet?

Yes, FISH ONLY! And only in a 10 gallon or smaller aquarium.

Phone Services

Each room has been provided with a telephone line for local calls. Students must provide the actual telephone. If students would like long distance service, they will need to use a calling card or their cell phone for long distance service. Students will need to submit a work order at the Help Desk to have their telephone line activated.

Postal Services

Each student living on campus is assigned a post office box when they arrive on campus. Students will be given the number of the box as well as the combination to open the box on move in day. All students are required to check their mail on a regular basis. This box is the primary way for the college to communicate with a student beyond email.


Currently, King University is in the planning stages of a recycling project for the Residence Halls. Check back soon for more information on this initiative.

Residence Hall Lists

Please see the links on the left side of the page for more information. No link in the menu anymore now that the current and future student pages exist. I’d like this put back the way it was.

Room Assignments

Please see the links on the left side of the page for more information.

Room Changes

A student may change rooms when the need presents itself. To change rooms, the student must see their Area Coordinator to request a Room Change Request Form. Once filled out, the student must return this form to the Area Coordinator for approval. Once processed, the student will be contacted and given permission to move. Students must follow the check-in and check out processes to avoid being assessed a $50.00 fine for improper room change.

Students that have moved without permission from an Area Coordinator will be charged the fine as well as be asked to return to their previous room assignment.

Emergency room changes will be granted immediately during extenuating circumstances.

Room Fees

Please see the links on the left side of the page for more information. No link in the menu anymore now that the current and future student pages exist. I’d like this put back the way it was.

Roommate Issues

It is true some people may be easier for you to live with than others because of different backgrounds, values, goals, and ideas. There are always many sources of potential conflicts between roommates which can be solved with good communication. The first step in solving any conflict is to determine what the issues are. Spend some time thinking about the root of the problem. Determine what YOU think is the cause of the problem, and also consider what you are doing that may be adding to the problem. The next step is to talk to your roommate. Ask him or her how he or she feels things are going. Give him or her the chance to share his or her opinions, and then be sure to provide your opinions. It can be difficult to start this conversation, but it is necessary to solve the situation. Your Resident Assistant can provide you hints regarding how to better communicate during this meeting.

When conversation doesn’t seem to work any longer, your Resident Assistant can help. Resident Assistants have been trained in many areas such as communication, leadership, confrontation, assertiveness, and conflict mediation. Their overall objective is to assist students living in the residence halls to grow to adjust in college. It is common for a RA to act as a mediator between roommates in conflict. In doing so, they provide objective and impartial mediation helping roommates listen and talk to each other and resolve conflict. An RA can help you think through ways to approach your roommate about your concerns. Resident Assistants are available for assistance, but you need to ask them for help. They cannot solve your problems or make decisions for you, but they will provide support and understanding as you attempt to do so yourself.

Safety and Security

Please see the Security page for more information.

Smoking Policy

Residence halls, like all campus buildings, are smoke-free facilities. Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco products, including E-Cigarettes and Vaping devices, are prohibited in all areas of the residence halls, including student rooms. Smokers should not crowd or congregate by doorways. Smokers should be 50 feet away from any door. Also, they should dispose of remaining tobacco products in appropriate receptacles.

Television/Cable Service

King provides basic cable to each room in the residence halls as well as to the public areas and lounges in the residence halls. Students will need to provide their own television as well as their own cable cord.

Trash Disposal

All students are required to take their own trash out of the buildings to the proper receptacles. Dumpsters and trash containers are conveniently located outside of each residence hall. Students room trash is not to be placed in bathroom trashcans or common area trashcans. Students will be documented through the Student Conduct process and fined through Community Billing if trash is not properly disposed of.

Visitation Options

Our standard visitation/quiet hours are: 2pm – Midnight every day.

All public lobbies will be open from 10am to midnight:

  • Mitchell, Lower, Parks, Hyde1st floor.
  • Liston Hall will remain the only 24hour lobby in the residence halls

Quiet Hours are now: Midnight to 2pm every day. Courtesy Quiet Hours are always in effect (If someone reports that it’s too loud, we address it right away!) First time offenders will be documented/IR.

Note: There will be NO VISITATION during any break period or anytime that classes are not in session (Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, January Term, Fall Break, and Spring Break).

Students may use any public area (Library, King’s Den, Dining Hall, etc.) on campus to be with friends during non-visitation hours. Students may also use 24 hour Residence Hall Lobbies such as the one in Liston Hall.

What to Bring/Leave at Home

What is provided in a typical room?

Here’s a list of what comes in a typical room. Please keep in mind some rooms may vary. Due to the number of different kinds of each type of furniture in our rooms, we are unable to supply exact dimensions for your particular room. It’s often best to wait until after move-in to buy additional furniture, this way you’ll have a better idea of what space is available.

  • Two desks
  • Two chairs
  • Two chests of drawers (or one double chest)
  • One bunk bed with two mattresses (can be debunked)
  • Overhead florescent light
  • Two closets/Wardrobes
  • Towel racks
  • Typically about 4 outlets
  • Window coverings (blinds/shades)

What should I bring with me?

There is a checklist of items on our Items to Consider Bringing With You page that we suggest you bring to school in order to live comfortably in a residence hall. Print this page out and use it as a shopping list. Some of the items are on the list for both roommates to bring could be shared if well planned. We highly recommend you contact your roommate as soon as you get your assignment to determine who will bring what out of the shared list.

Is there anything I should not bring?

There are limitations and restrictions that you must be familiar with. Review the information on the fire safety portion of this web page and the residence hall decoration policy. For example, all halogen lights, flammable curtains, and extension cords are prohibited.

Your Responsibilities as a Student

Students are encouraged to make healthy and responsible decisions concerning lifestyles as members of the King community. King recognizes a student as an adult and expects students will assume responsibility for their actions. King offers assistance to students through a number of services, such as the Counseling Center, to discuss issues concerning difficult decisions during the college years.

Students are reminded they are responsible for

  1. Making all payments to the college by established deadlines.
  2. In the event of a late payment, paying all interest charges and collection costs as outlined in college policies.
  3. Knowing and following all King policies, rules, and regulations as outlined in the Student Handbook and Academic Calendar (The Twister) and in their respective Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog. King reserves the right to change these regulations during the academic year and notice is hereby given of that possibility. The most current versions of these publications are available online or in print. Anyone needing assistance in accessing copies should contact the Student Affairs Office or the Registrar’s Office.